Make The Most Of Winter Break


Whether you’re taking a break from work, school, or the chaos of life in general. You’ve spent the better part of a month, (longer for some of us) for it to finally get here. Winter break. That glorious time at the end of the year when you have a little time to yourself to recharge and relax. It could only be better if we had more time. (Why can’t we just have more time?!)

Guard For Life wants you to make the most of winter break. Embrace it! No, we don’t mean starting an exclusive relationship with Netflix and your couch. Use this time to truly refresh. So when it’s time to unpause you won’t feel like time slipped by.


Chances are you haven’t seen your extended family and hometown friends in awhile. Going home for break is the perfect opportunity for you to reconnect with friends outside of your typical friend group. Whether it’s catching up over text, skyping, or inviting them over to hang out, reach out to people you haven’t seen in while. You’ll be surprised how much has changed. And you never know what fun opportunities might come from it.

Read A Book

Is Netflix your thing? We have the perfect thing for you… books. The original Netflix, a good book is just as engaging as whatever show you’re currently into. Supernatural fan? Read American Gods by Neil Gaiman (catch up before the show premieres) Is Once Upon a Time your thing? Read The Lunar Chronicles series. Can’t get enough of Brooklyn Nine-Nine? Read Quicksand by Steve Toltz.   

Related: 24 Books You Should Read, Based On Your Favorite TV Shows | Buzzfeed

Get a Seasonal Position

Finding a job over winter break, makes having fun over winter break that much easier. And for those of you perfectly content with not working during your down time. Think about securing a job for the spring semester, spring break, or the summer. It’s never too early to get ahead. You’ll thank yourself later while your friends are franticly trying to land a job later on along with everyone else.

Related: Take Your Lifeguard Skills to an Indoor Pool | Guard For Life

Related: Plan Now for a Lifeguard Job Next Summer | Guard For Life


One of the best ways to remove stress is to do good things for other people. During the holiday season, there are plenty of volunteer and donation opportunities to choose from. You could go the traditional route and volunteer at a soup kitchen or even try  swimming for MS.  The possibilities are endless. Here are a few of our favorite sites for finding volunteer opportunities:

  1. Volunteer Match –
  2. The American Red Cross –
  3. All For Good –


Winter break is more than laying on the couch all day. It’s about embracing the short time that you do have, to re-energize and recharge. Show us how you will spend you break with the hastag, #gflbreak on Instagram and Twitter.

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